Friday, November 23, 2012

Opal giveway?

*twitch* *twitch*
I recently became a big fan of Jennifer Armentrout's Lux series, and they are doing a give way (plus goodies) of the book. I hope to win!!!! You can enter too right here .

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Chapter 1 of The 5

  For those who weren't already following the Only Vegetable That Matters here is the post about my story: CLICK ME!!!

                   Snippet from Chapter One:
                    Chapter 1
   Kyla sat a box on the oak dining table. "You can't believe how proud we are of both of you," Kyla and Fin's mother's, Janit, voice rang throughout the deserted halls.
   Kyla turned towards the sound. Everyone was already outside, getting another box. Kyla pivoted towards the door and ran smack into her stepfather. Her stepfather was a couple years older than Janit, but he looks a lot younger. He had stick straight black hair that stands straight up, piercing brown eyes, and a blazing grin that is always shining. His son, Fin, even looked like him. Due to their parents getting remarried young most of the time the happy family forgot the prefixes.
    Kyla walked right against his side, trying to sneak out. He turned towards her, blocking her narrow path.
   "Why don't you take a break?" He asked in a fairly calm voice. His head tilted almost as if to study her.
    Feeling self-conscious she let some hair fall in front of her face. She didn't trust herself to speak, due to Arhia's, Kyla's stepfather, piercing blue eyes that could seem to detect the truth. She instead nodded. He smiled and walked off.
    Fin had just unloaded the humongous amount of skateboards, scooters, and bicycles that they owned. Skipping over, she grabbed one of the smallest skateboards, and pushed off as soon as the skateboard touched the ground. The feel of wind rushed her hair, and made her feel as if she was flying. She heard the familiar sound of Fin's skateboard as he followed in suit. She smiled to herself. Already, she was enjoying her new town

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Or to those who don't celebrate Thanksgiving, Happy Thursday!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Brand new blog!

   As I am growing and maturing so has my writing style among other things. My perosanilty is one of them. Thus, why added another one of my pen names to my blogger name. Stormi is short for Stormitte, a pen name I like to use. Hopefully, you all understand.
    Since I am maturing I have grown more comfortably talking about life, writing, and reading. This blog will mainly focus on that. The only vegetable that matters is just random things that don't fit on here go on there. Make sure to follow! Thanks!